Driving Lessons Urmston Female Driving Instructors In Urmston Karen Statham 0161 282 5334 0776 997 1599 Karen’s Driving School karenlouisestatham@hotmail.com Deborah Lehwald 0773 625 4349 Debs Driving School dlehwald@hotmail.co.uk Male Driving Instructors In Urmston Dave Gentry 0741 932 6912 Goal Driver Training www.goaldrivertraining.co.uk Guy Pennington 07974 303 207 info@gp-drivingschoolmanchester.co.uk GP Instructor and Driver Training gp-drivingschoolmanchester.co.uk Gareth Jones 07931 180470 pass@idrivemanchester.co.uk www.idrivemanchester.co.uk Bill O’Malley 0797 363 4473 www.RowlandSchoolofMotoring.co.uk Colin Hooley 0776 973 4693 www.hooleysdrivingschool.co.uk Andew Brady 073 078 77 013 andrewbrady@hotmail.co.uk abdrivingschoolsale.co.uk Andy Simpson 07585 773274 mabusw@outlook.com South Manchester Association of Driving Instructors SMADI